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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.






Co - opted


Elected by parent votes

Elected by staff vote
(The Headteacher may automatically become a Governor)

Appointed by the Local Authority

Appointed by Governing body

Appointed by Governing Body


We are a team of volunteers who are all committed to making Scraptoft Valley Primary School the best school possible. Some of us work at the school and are governors in our spare time. Others are parents who join in the team because they want the school to be excellent for all the children, parents and staff. Co-opted Governors and Associate Governors are people from the local or wider community get involved just because they see the impact on the whole community that comes from having a great school. Local Authority (LA) Governors have a similar community spirit. Co-opted, Associate and LA Governors all bring new skills which complement the educational skills already in the school and strengthen the Governing Body.


The role of a governor: 


Being a
‘critical friend’
Like a good friend we support and celebrate all the wonderful things that happen in school.  We also come with a fresh pair of eyes to ask why things are done as they are, and to gently challenge if we have concerns.

Monitoring & evaluating
A great deal of monitoring happens in school to make sure that the children are benefitting from the best possible education. The staff learn from the monitoring and the evaluations and use them to see what could be changed and improved. This is then reported back to the governors to inform our decisions about the strategic planning for the school.

The day-to-day management of the school is the job of the Headteacher and Senior Management Team.  Our role as governors is to work with staff to look at the big picture and at the long term development of the school.


Governor Committees:


Improving Outcomes, Teaching, Learning & Assessment, Development, Behaviour & Welfare and Finance & Property.


How to contact a Governor: 


‘For the attention of the Governors’


governors often come to our school events and are happy to have a chat


send a letter addressed to our Chair of Governors

Information on becoming a governor in Leicester can be found via the following link to the Leicester City website:
