April 2019 - Parent Workshop
Parent Workshop for Module 5 was lots of fun!
The Nursery classes made hedgehogs out of clay and decorated their own photos to make themselves look like lions as part of their topic on Animals. In Reception, the two classes made shiny fish using clay and sequins as well as decorating their own plant pots. They planted a sunflower seed and took them home to watch them grow.
Year 1’s topic was Plants, so they used decoupage to create a design on their plant pots and planted marigold seeds. They are very excited to watch them grow at home.
In Year 2, they thought about Animal Survival and used watercolours to create a habitat for a chosen animal as well as using collage techniques and feathers to make their own owls.
The classes in Year 3 had a workshop to celebrate different artists. The children used oil pastels to create artwork in the style of Kandinsky and they used spirals to recreate a famous piece of art by Fibonacci.
In Year 4, the topic was Habitats. The children created spinning toys to show animals in their habitat and created a desert or Arctic habitat scene of their own.
Vikings was the focus in Year 5 where the children made their own long boat art using watercolours. Some children replicated the intricate designs on Viking shields and created a 3D effect using string. They looked fantastic.
Many thanks to all of the parents, grandparents and carers who attended the workshops.