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Tutoring 2023-24

During the Summer Term, we have 6 groups being tutored by Scraptoft Valley Primary School teachers. The tutoring sessions start w/c 8th April for 5 weeks, from 3.10-4.30pm twice a week in small groups of 6 children. The focus for the tutoring groups this term is Maths (year 1) Phonics (year 1 and year 2), Times Tables (year 4) and Greater Depth Maths (year 6).

During the Spring Term, we tutored 7 groups – Phonics (year 1 and year 2) Mathematics (year 2 and year 6), Times Tables (year 4) and Literacy (year 5).

For more information, please speak to Miss Frearson (Deputy Headteacher)



Tutoring 2022-23

During last academic year (2022-23) we tutored a total of 163 children with Scraptoft Valley Primary School teachers. The National Tutoring Programme (NTP) is supported by the DfE to close educational gaps caused by the disruption to the children’s education during the last few years. The tutoring sessions took place after school, for 11 weeks, from 3.10-4.30pm in small groups of 6 children. The focus for the tutoring groups was Mathematics in the Autumn Term, and in the Spring and Summer terms some groups had a Reading or Writing focus. Children from Year 1 to Year 6 were and met the tutoring criteria set out by the DfE.

For more information, please speak to Miss Frearson (Deputy Headteacher)

